Today is special. Today we celebrate communion.
We begin again with a fresh understanding of God’s grace. In the last year we have seen some incredible things in our family here. Big things. God things. And we have been through some hard things. Some world shattering things. Some - I just need to be at the feet of Jesus because everything else is chaos things. We are blessed to be able to be there.
There have been some gatherings of the body of Christ in the last year that have just blessed my socks off
- I looked around this church and thought - oh my, these people are never going home! And there have been other times when I have thought… oh my… these people are never. going. home. There have been Sundays where there was ministry happening in this place that I had no part in, except to say - Hey, yall have keys, right? I’ll see you later. 2021 was hard, but it was good.