Last week we looked at the very serious sin of unbelief as the author of Hebrews told us to hold fast to our confession of faith. They reminded us that we can indeed enter into the throne room of grace with boldness, knowing that the one enthroned there loves us and will grant mercy and grace when we need it. Has anyone here needed mercy and grace this week?
We are studying the book of Hebrews together. One of the things that I find most interesting about preaching through books like this is how timely they end up being. Because the word of God is alive and active and sharp.
This morning we find ourselves in Hebrews chapter 5 - continuing our study of the book. As we study these books together, it is important to remember that we will not cover every topic, every word contained within this book. We will spend some time here, studying the word together, in an attempt to understand what God would have for us here.
The Author of Hebrews has spent most of this book so far establishing that Jesus is better than any of type of set up we think we have. He’s better than the Angels. He is better than Moses. His covenant is better that the Mosaic one. Here in chapter 5 we find some more of that. The Israelite people - the Hebrew people were following after a High Priest, who would offer atonement. This man was chosen and called by God to represent man to God. There were good things about the high priest, but Jesus improved upon all of them.